My next door neighbors are a family from either Jersey or Florida or some desert city somewhere.
They are fans of 80's Hair Metal and I consider them to be "metalheads" of the classiest order.
The dad and his 2 sons have a band and rehearse just about everyday, no originals just a bunch of covers
(Poison, Motley Crew, GnR, etc.).
Lately they have been working on a rendition of the classic Beatles tune "Day Tripper", an amped up, more metally version.
I guess things weren't going the way they should because the father (bass) went into a real tiff:
"It's the God-dammed Beatles for fuck's sake!!! It's about the fucking harmonies!!!".....
I'm not one for child abuse so I highly disagree with all of their behavior, yet somehow support their artistic efforts.
I'm very torn by them.