Friday, July 18, 2008
American Dreams
Luis Zapata loves candy- this is a fact.
Francisco Javier Arredondo loves all things sweet.
I vividly remember them downing 2 liter bottles of Coca-Cola with 3 large swigs.
They'd drink that and a 6-pack of Bud and work on their cars.
Their brother Lupito was a real gent and not as brutish-
he bought me my 1st favorite shirt-
(it was a green camouflage shirt with Sgt. Slaughter screened on the front).
and used to take care of me from time to time.
It's a miracle they're still alive- they've all lived incredible harsh lives.
If I got into in detail it'd be a VERY long post- and I'd probably end up crying.
I've not seem them in a decade and a half.
I miss them.